
Snail Mail My Email. Handwritten Letters in a Digital World.

by Ivan Cash

"You are my best friend and you deserve random surprises, including a message mailed by a random stranger in a non-sweatshop environment."

Snail Mail My Email is a collection of beautiful letters, set by a random stranger to another, at the request of a first random stranger.  Confusing?

In the Introduction, the author explains that he started this project after quitting his job, and vowing to live life more slowly.  He wanted other people to experience the joy of waiting for mail, and being excited to receive it.  He came up with the concept that: you could type a message to anyone, and he would hand-write them a letter and mail it away.  He got so many requests that he needed the help of volunteers to write and mail the letters.

Copies of the letters are found in this book.  Some are silly, some are cute, and others are very romantic.  Some people sent letters to their unborn child. Some sent letters to themselves. The artwork created by the volunteers is lovely, and the messages are real.

I recommend checking this book out if you like Post Secret, or if you simply like the idea of reading someone else's mail ;) Read up on the project, or find out about how to volunteer here.

♥ Meg xoxo

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