

by Amy Reed

"The five of us are some of the people who have been here the longest. Almost everyone who was here on my first day is gone..."

Clean chronicles the stories of five teenagers and their stay at a drug rehabilitation centre. Each one of them take turns narrating his or her own story. They come to the realization that, although they have different reasons for being addicts, they all share the desire to become sober.

Christopher is a meth addict who worries a lot about sinning and going to hell. Olivia has an eating disorder, an addiction to diet pills, and an obsession with being perfect. Jason is an alcoholic who wants to impress his father by being tough and manly. Kelly is a cocaine addict, who comes from an affluent family. Eva is a painkiller and marijuana addict, who turned to drugs when her mother died.

Reed does a good job making her characters seem real.  It was easy for me, as the reader, to be sympathetic to her characters and their motivations.  All I wanted, by the end of the story, was for each member of this distorted and intensified Breakfast Club to be okay.

♥ Meg xoxo

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